Functions of Management

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Before discussing on Management understanding the term Management is obvious. Management is is nothing but managing certain activities with predefined policies and strategies. These activities are performed by skilled persons known as 'Managers'. The more deeper we go in this term the more close we get to the roles and responsibilities of Managers. Management is a process that includes planning, leading and controlling organizational activities in or within two or more departments in a way to reach organizational goals.

Here in this article we will cover Roles and Responsibilities of Managers. There are basically three characteristics of Managers that every management needs and these activities differentiate Managers from other personnel at all levels.
  • Management:- Management includes managing and supervising the activities of others and to make sure that that each activity is carried out in the manner it was supposed to be. Management includes activities like organizing and controlling and hence managers don't do whatever they want to do but in in a way that the goals targets are achieved in the most efficient and effective way.
  • Efficiency:- Efficiency means to get the most output from limited resources. Managers have to work with the most scarce and sensitive resources like man, money and equipments and have to take care that without any extra investment they should be responsible to do a particular task with the given resources. Sometimes they have to work on the saying "If you want something to be done right, do it yourself."
  • Effectiveness:- Effectiveness is somewhat related with Leadership. The managers are responsible not only for designing and creating policies for management but also to make sure what is planned is achieved effectively. The tasks assigned to the individuals should be done and completed in time. Managers have also to see whether the tasks are assigned in accordance with the individual's experience, knowledge and capability. "Never send a boy to do a man's job."

Management Functions

Functions of Management includes Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling and certain Management Skills and Management Roles. Since every organization is different from each other in terms of processes, roles and responsibilities the function of managers also differ. To understand the roles and responsibilities of managers, management researchers have developed various approaches to categorize 'what do managers do?'. Management function is one of them. The other two are Management Roles and Management Skills.

Functions of Management:
  • Planning:- Planning includes defining organizational goals; establishing strategies to achieve those goals and developing plan of action to integrate work activities throughout the organization. In simple words planning includes 'what' is to be done and 'how'. For 'what' a detailed discussion is done to decide whether a particular course of action is beneficial for the organization and whether the organization really need it. In 'how' a detailed course of action is planned to define how a particular task will be completed. Whether two or more departments are to be coordinated and what will be the individual goals of the respective team members. This function is carried by the managers at all levels. 
  • Organizing:- Organizing includes designing the roles and responsibilities of all the departments and their respective members. When a goal is to be accomplished at organizational level, work is divided at all levels and to each and every personnel. Not only this but the complete organizational structure is defined and designing policies and tasks, who will be doing and what will be the authority of each personnel and  what will be the hierarchy chart. 
  • Leading:- Leading is another type of managerial function. When the work is assigned to individual departments, the heads of those departments are responsible to work in coordination with their team members to accomplish organizational goals. Their tasks is to work with and through people to complete the assigned tasks in given time frame.
  • Controlling:- Controlling is the process of monitoring and comparing the performance of individuals to check whether the work is done in the manner it was planned and whether the team is going in the right direction. The managers will not get the actual report without doing the complete analysis of the work done in particular time. Controlling not only includes analyzing the work done but also corrective actions are taken to improve performance and secure the future error free reports. Also some motivational activities are performed to increase the efficiency and sense of responsibility among the work units.
Managers not always perform these functions but also perform certain Management Roles that again describes managerial functions. There are basically 10 roles that define managerial functions and are grouped into three categories: Interpersonal roles includes roles like leadership, liaison and figurehead concerning subordinates and persons outside the organization. Managers here can be seen as a head performing routine duties of legal and social in nature. Managers here motivates subordinates and are also responsible for staffing and training activities of work units. Informational roles include collecting and disseminating withing the departments and also transferring information to the outsiders about organization's policies, plans, etc. Finally the managers perform Decisional roles as entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator. In Decisional role managers are responsible for improvement projects, taking corrective actions and to make sure all the organizational resources are allocated accordingly. Decisional Role includes Decision Making function and Decision Making Process.

Management Skills include basically three types of skills: Technical Skills proficient in certain fields like computer technology, engineers and manufacturing units. These skills lies at Lower level management. 
Human Skills involve skills like working with other people and to make that tasks are distributed evenly. These skills are related with Assistant Managers and Team leaders at Middle level management.
Finally Conceptual Skills are those skills that require thinking and analyzing techniques or we can say planning techniques. Using these skills managers see the organization as a whole and are able to design plans and policies for the organization in complex situations. These skills are most required at Top Level Management.